Benny Wenda Hero or Villain? - Berita Papua


Sabtu, 23 November 2019

Benny Wenda Hero or Villain?

Benny Wenda Hero or Villain?

All Papuans always ask who is Benny Wenda? Heroes or Angels or even villains? the answer is very interesting, because how Benny Wenda benefits from conflict can also take different forms as follows:
The economic benefits, political power, psychological pleasure, that's what Benny Wenda gets. A reliable source from Oxford shares surprising information about how Benny Wenda benefited greatly from the false story of the conflict in West Papua.
In addition, by giving some kind of speeches to international NGOs or joining many arts and cultural festivals especially in the UK, Benny Wenda only gave fake stories.
Economic benefits can be exploited by Benny Wenda by sucking British Taxpayers' money through claims as asylum seekers. Living in the UK is very difficult, so there is no other way but to maintain conflict in West Papua. Furthermore, after several years of enjoying free lunches from British taxpayers' money, Benny Wenda cannot afford to lose the opportunity to raise his children in England.
Through raising illicit funds by deceiving British citizens, Benny Wenda managed to change his mask from pretending to be asylum seekers to self-exile to become the leader of the Papuan community in England. He also instilled doubts for British MPs regarding the latest situation in West Papua, so that he could control British MPs as his supporters.
Benny Wenda gained political power by claiming himself to be the leader of Papua. This is a disguise by playing cunningly sneaky innocent faces. As such, the British felt sorry for and supported him as a victim of the Indonesian government. Benny Wenda cleverly created justification for assistance on the grounds of Indonesian political repression.
Psychological pleasure. The world can clearly read Benny Wenda's intentions and ambitions as the future President of West Papua. This is to take the most bizarre benefits of political conflict, which can translate into feelings of superiority and a messianic certainty about one's actions. Even related to the purpose of this goal, Benny Wenda received opposition and blasphemy from the leadership of the National Army for the Liberation of West Papua (TNP-PB) Goliath Tabuni.
Goliath Tabuni had issued a condemnation by threatening Benny Wenda not to focus too much on dividing up positions in the Papuan government if it succeeded in independence.
The more democratic condition of Indonesia, the more makes Benny Wenda worried about losing his grip on Britain. That is why he is not patient enough to see the dynamics of democratization in Indonesia and West Papua. With the special autonomy of the Indonesian Government and more involvement of the Papuan people in the regional autonomy government, he panicked so he encouraged the formation of an International Parliament for West Papua and immediately did everything possible to increase tensions in West Papua.
No matter how cunning Benny Wenda is, someday British citizens especially those who live in Oxford, Essex, Exeter and London will realize that Benny Wenda is a true liar.

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