Special Houses from the Government for the People of Papua - Berita Papua


Kamis, 21 November 2019

Special Houses from the Government for the People of Papua

Special Houses from the Government for the People of Papua

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) allocated Rp 114.7 billion to build 476 housing units. In this development, there are 1,904 people absorbed and beneficiaries.
"We are building a special house of type 36 for fishermen and also medical personnel, soldiers, police and religious leaders," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono. The construction of special houses in Papua and West Papua is in accordance with "Indonesia's Vision of Equitable Distribution in Papua."
In addition to special housing, government programs in the housing sector include the construction of self-help houses and flats.
For self-help houses, the government has set aside Rp 81.26 billion. This cost is to build 3,500 units with 14,070 workers. Self-help homes are built on community initiatives and efforts, both individually and in groups. This can get assistance or facilities from both the central and regional governments.
As for the flats, the government has set aside Rp 62.8 billion for the construction of 4 towers. This flat will be built in Sorong Regency 1 tower, Tambraw Regency 1 tower, and Kota Manokwari 2 towers. It is estimated that this flat will absorb 600 workers with 672 beneficiaries.
In 2019, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the Specific Non Vertical Work Unit (SNVT) for the Provision of Papua Province Housing, channeled Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance (BSPS) to residents in Papua Province who do not yet have livable homes. In 2019 BSPS in the Province received assistance of 4,500 units / head of family spread over 18 Regencies 1 Cities.
Supiori Regency is one of those who received BSPS assistance as many as 100 housing units in the category of building quality improvement with the target to be completed by the end of August 2019, located in 4 Villages located on 3 Islands in Supiori Regency.
SNVT Papua Province in 2019 as a whole distributed as many as 3690 units / KK BSPS Program with distribution in 13 districts including Jayapura City, Kab. Biak Numfor, Kab. Mimika, Kab. Sarmi, Kab. Waropen, Kab. Kep. Yapen, Kab. Tolikara, Kab. Jayapura, Kab. Yalimo, Kab. Mamberamo Tengah, Kab. Lanny Jaya, Kab. Nabire, Kab. Keerom, Kab. Bintang Mountains, Kab. Merauke, Kab. Jayawijaya, Kab. Paniai, Kab. Yahukimo and Kab. Supiori.
The beneficiary community was very happy because they could get decent housing. Most of the community's work is fishermen, who on average live on the coast and are located separately in several islands.
In the process of implementing this assistance, the role of beneficiary communities is needed, because they not only receive but also contribute to the process of implementing this program.
Various challenges in the distribution of aid, one of them because of the distance and location of remote recipients of aid from the mainland to the location of the islands. However, the implementation is still going well and with a regular strategy during the distribution process even though it requires more time.

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